Quality With Conviction

For us, quality is a dynamic process, which we live at all levels. "The whole is more than the sum of its parts" - Aristotle

Quality is Our Starting Point and also Our Objective

Quality is not merely the technical quality of our products. Quality shows itself in much more than meeting specifications, standards, legislation or certificates. Quality is a question of the attitude of our people and the way they see themselves. Quality lives through their passion and pleasure, their conviction and the dedication they give to everything they do.


Constantly Maintaining and Developing Quality

Quality is not static - it is constantly dynamic. Quality is a continuous process of improvement. Quality is assured in the long term only if it is always checked, questioned and developed further. The continuous further development of our people's qualifications is just as important as the constant further development of our processes, our technologies and our products.

Our Customers' Satisfaction and Pleasure are the Challenges we Set Ourselves

We set ourselves the challenge of hearing from our customers whether our quality meets their expectations. From the moment the order is placed, through product development, handling the project, processing the contract and our personal involvement. Only when everything is fully in tune and the whole is more than the sum of its parts are we satisfied that we have met our quality challenge.


Our Certified Quality

As evidence of KOSTAL's world-wide competitiveness, the company's declared aim is to maintain our quality, sustainability, energy and environment certificates. Take a look at our certificates in the download section.